Tuesday, June 26, 2012


For those of you who don't know what mommy-long-butt is, it's what happens to women when they get pregnant and get fatter and fatter. Their ass gets longer and flatter. By the time you deliver, the top of your ass is between your shoulder blades and the bottom of it is behind your knees. This can be very devastating for some of us who started out with nicely round bums, especially if it happened to be your only asset!
After giving birth to my first child and wearing maternity clothes for three months, I ignorantly accepted my fate and went to purchase my first pair of mom jeans. ....after all, I was a MOM and I wanted to look the part. I found me a comfy pair of cheep shoes and some disposable shirts from old navy
Three kids and five body shapes later, let me tell all you new moms out there that you should not settle and sadly accept mommy-long-butt syndrome. we need to aspire to more than that. I was doing well for a while. However, at the moment, I have ten lbs to get rid of. Let's just say my muffin top has been built with a pastry shop. I will get back on track.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve MILF status. I love my new body decked out with stretch marks that resemble the lines in the sand at the beach when the tide starts to go out. I know I may never get back into a bikini because the skin on my stomach has been horribly stretched out then deflated, it sags like the face of a bull dog. But to my kids, it's soft and warm and for my husbands, well he still seems to find me sexy and for those two reasons, I love my body and I want to take care of it. This body has done amazing things and it deserves more than mommy-long-butt jeans!

1 comment:

  1. i chuckled at the part where your ass starts and stops. this luckily has not happened to me. however, i have the infamous "spare tire" that grew nice and large with Riley inside and then popped like a balloon at a birthday party. now it sits like a deflated inner tube around my lower abdomen. yay me!
